Common Female Medical Issues – Pelvic Organ Prolapse

After women give birth or sometimes just as they get older, the muscles around the vagina and uterus can begin to weaken which can lead to several conditions that affect many women every day. One of the most common of these is pelvi corgan prolapse. This is caused by a weakening in the muscles that separate pelvic organs and the uterus due to aging or childbirth. This allows pelvic organs like the bladder or rectum to drop against the vaginal or uterine walls which exhibits painful pressure and can lead to herniation. An easy fix is to place a mesh web to help shore up the vaginal muscles.

One of symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse, particularly the uterine prolapse is cystocele. Because the bladder is pushed up against the wall of the uterus, it can be hard for a woman to control her urinary tract, leading to urinary incontinence or the involuntary release of urine during every day activities. This can also be fixed by placing a mesh TOT sling to help shore up the muscles between the uterus and the bladder, relieving pressure.

Many women’s problems with their vaginas are not medical but more cosmetic. Many feel that they have a unnatural looking vagina which can lead to a lack of self-confidence that can affect their lives negatively. To fix this many turn to labiare duction surgery. This is an easy process that uses lasers to painlessly remove labia that is perceived as too large or even out one that is lopsided making the vagina more aesthetically pleasing.