Is there a safer way to tan?

Many think that staying in the sun to get a tan is not harmful to your skin. Staying in the sun to get a tan can contributes to premature aging of your skin. It is not just few minutes under the sun, it is the continued practice of staying in the sun that cumulatively bad for your skin. Not just that, it could leads to development of skin cancer. Many think after applying a sunblock, it is okay to stay under the sun to get a bit of tan. Think again. If you get a tan after applying sun lotion, that tells you that your sun block is not working. It is not a question whether the sun’s UVA and UVB rays are causing skin damage due to breakdown of collagen protein and lead to wrinkles and loss of volume.

Self-tanning products and spray-on self-tanning may provide a bit safer option to get a bit of color on your skin. However, they do not provide protection from harmful UVA or UVB rays. For that matter, you still need SPF 30 broad-spectrum sunscreen on top of tanning application. There are plenty of self-tanning products in the market for your choosing.