Laxative power of Senna

Article written by Coleanse.

Your digestive system is a source for many troubling conditions including constipation. Constipation may make it hard for you to have a bowel movement and may cause severe pain and abdominal cramps. Causes include lack of fiber in the diet, lack of exercises, eating too much diary, alcohol and smoking, pregnancy, and many others. Some of these conditions cause your colon to use too much water leaving less for feces to form and eliminate from your body.

Senna approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US is a proven herb and a nonprescription laxative. Leaves and fruits have been used in many laxative products and leaves are more aggressive than the fruit when it comes to creating a laxative effect. Senna contains a group of chemicals known as sennosides that irritate the lining of the bowel causing a laxative effect. Its laxative as well as effectiveness is why it is used prior to colonoscopy and similar actions. This laxative impact prompted Coleanse to include Senna as one of its main ingredients.

Constipation and other intestinal issues are caused by many reasons. Nature produces ingredients including Senna to provide relief from these conditions and that is why Coleanse Diet contains Senna and other proven laxatives.