Avoid straining your back

Travelling, walking, and lifting can put lot of strain on various body parts resulting injuries.  Here are few ways to avoid strain.

When you are flying especially long distance avoid sitting at one place for a long time.  This put lot of strain on your hamstrings and calves and may create low back pain and cramps.  Even if you are travelling a short distance, it is a good idea to add few things to your travel.  If you are flying, get up and walk around the plane every few hours when it is safe to do so.  If you are unable to walk around, try some exercises while sitting down.  You can extend your legs one at a time with your heel touching the floor and your feet flexed.

Avoid wearing high heels if you don’t have to wear them.  This will prevent you from falling and spraining your ankle.  It is always a good idea to wear shoes with nonskid soles.

When lifting heavy items, practice proper lifting methods.  Squat by bending your knees, keep your back straight, and your face up.  This will allow you to lift with your legs and avoid straining your back.  When travelling, put a pillow to support your back.