DIM: The Cure for Cancer

For those of us who have no health problems, we can consider ourselves lucky. If you only spent some time understanding the lives of people who are afflicted with both bacterial and viral diseases, you’d understand how they count the hours when they know that their time is up.

And perhaps, the compound known as DIM might be the answer after all these years of research that has been anything but fruitful. Yes, it’s been almost a few decades now and people are yet to find the cure for several of these diseases, and for the folks who are suffering from them… their time is indeed running out.

However, with the discovery of this compound Diindolylmethane, it seems as if the answer to diseases such as cancer and AIDS will soon be a reality, and is has not only been known to reduce the chances of getting prostate and breast cancer by almost 40 to 60 % when used as an immune system booster, it has also been used in conjunction with the conventional medication used for cancer with much better results.

And while there’s no doubt that there’s a long way to go when it comes to finding worldwide acceptance as a cure for these diseases, the results so far has been very promising for sometime to come.

And as far as the clock is concerned, the cure for cancer as well as a plethora of other diseases is no doubt overdue.