Hot weather tips for seniors

It is middle of summer and many parts of the country are experiencing extreme heat. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that those over 65 years of age and the youngest are the most vulnerable groups to extreme heat conditions. Increasing awareness of heat stress will help seniors to cope with the summer heat. Here are some tips for elderly to protect them from heat.

  • Elderly should have working air conditioning. Those who cannot afford to pay for electricity to run the air conditioner should seek shelter in cooling centers, shopping malls or even in public libraries during the day.
  • Lots of fluids are a must for elderly. If someone has medical condition that limits fluids intake, they should consult their medical advisor.
  • Wearing light-weight cloths will help everyone including elderly.
  • When taking a shower, bath or a body wash, use cool water as much as possible.
  • Certain medications can increase the vulnerability of elderly to extreme heat. Those who are taking medications for lung issues, heart conditions, poor circulation, and allergies should consult their medical specialist for instructions.
  • Stay indoors as much as possible. If a senior needs to go out, he or she should wear a hat, sunscreen, and sunglasses.