How to Calculate the Calories in a Banana

Calories in a BananaBanana is the third most popular fruit in the world next to the Apple and the Orange.  A lot of people enjoy eating it daily across the world. Before I start telling you how many calories in a banana, let me start first by giving you some basic information regarding the fruit and the plant. Banana is very delicious and nutritious. It is a rich source of Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Manganese, Potassium and is also very high in fiber. Bananas are grown throughout the world especially in tropical countries and considered as the fourth largest fruit crop in thewhole world. It requires nine to 14 months of frost-less condition to bear stalks of flower. High temperatures may cause the banana to grow slowly or stop growing and damage its leaves. The plant is not really sturdy and can easily be blown away by strong winds, which is the reason why plantations need to be protected to produce both quality and quantity of the fruit.

Besides the calorie count, Bananas are one of the best potassium rich foods. Bananas come in various sizes, so basically the amount of calories and the amount of carbs in a banana will differ depending on its size. An extra small banana, which is about thirteen centimeters in length, has 75 calories. Compared to calories in sushi, which is of almost the same in size that has 500 calories. A small banana, which is at around fifteen centimeters in length, has 90 calories. An eighteen centimeters banana is a medium size banana and has 105 calories. A large banana that is twenty centimeters in length has 120 calories and the extra large banana, which is over twenty centimeters in length, has 135 calories. The calories I have mentioned above are for raw bananas and are only estimations since there are no two bananas alike. Calories may also vary depending whether the banana is fried, raw or cooked.