How to prevent heartburn

Heartburn is a common condition suffered by many. Its severity could vary from being mild to severe, affecting daily life. It is caused when stomach acids flow back to the esophagus as a result of the weakening of the esophageal sphincter. Making some changes to your daily life could help prevent heartburn.

1. Avoid eating foods that trigger heartburn such as spicy foods, fatty foods, citrus and caffeine.

2. Eat small meals frequently instead of three heavy meals. Take time to chew the food as this makes it easier to digest.

3. Excessive use of alcohol causes heartburn. Avoid or reduce the consumption of alcohol.

4. Maintain a healthy weight. Excessive weight puts pressure on the abdomen and pushing the abdomen which causes the acids to reflux.

5. Avoid smoking, as smoking decreases the ability of the esophageal sphincter’s ability to function properly.

6. Do not lie flat on the bed. Elevate the head of the bed by placing a wooden block under the feet of the bed or place a wedge under the mattress to raise your body from the waist upwards.

7. Do not go to sleep until at least two hours after having dinner, allowing the food to digest.