How to Stop Bad Breath

Bad breath is one of the fastest ways to ruin a social situation. Imagine you’re on a date when your mate gets close for a kiss, and then the wall of bad breath hits you. It’s a major turn off, but there is hope for you yet if you suffer from it. Here are some tips to help combat bad breath before it starts, even if you suffer from it chronically.

Brush Frequently

Most adults do not brush their teeth for the recommended time each day. Dentists recommend at least two brushings each day, with a good two minutes spent each time. Every day that you eat, there is a good chance that food is stuck in your mouth and remains there until you clean it out. If you don’t brush regularly, or you don’t use proper technique, those particles remain in your mouth and rot. That gives your breath the foul smell that people dislike. Therefore, regular brushing will help remove particulates and prevent them from building up to form tartar.

Scrape Your Tongue

We often overlook our tongues when we are brushing our teeth. In fact, our tongues are commonly coated in the same kinds of particulate matter that gets caught up in our teeth. You should take a small-headed tooth brush and use it to gently brush away the bacterium that gathers there. If you don’t have a brush that will do the job, try a tongue scraper. These tools apply even pressure along the tongue, gathering any bacteria along the way.

Kick Bad Habits

Smoking and drinking certain kinds of beverages can also affect your breath. Everyone has heard of coffee or garlic breath. Onions do it too. To make matters worse, brushing after a meal with these offensive foods may not always help to improve your breath. This is because the substances inside of these foods can make their way inside your lungs or into your blood stream. As you breathe, you exude these scents from your mouth whether you’ve cleaned it or not.

Final Thoughts

It’s a better idea to chew gum than it is to use after-dinner mints. The sugar in the candy acts as a breeding ground for bacteria in your mouth. You should also consider using anti-bacterial mouth wash to swish around in your mouth.

By Dr. Sid Solomon. He has been helping patients overcome oral health risks for more than twenty years. As an experienced dental hygienist, Dr. Sid Solomon knows how to cure bad breath, plaque and gum disease. Read Sid Solomon reviews online, or book an appointment with Sid Solomon today.