The Benefits of Porcelain Veneers You Didn’t Know

Porcelain veneers, thin shells bonded to the front side of teeth, have long been used by dentists in Toronto and around the world to correct uneven, discolored, or damaged teeth. They can cover up chips, stains, and worn out enamel, offering the image of a perfect pearly white smile.

However, porcelain veneers can do more than repair broken or chipped teeth – they can offer a Hollywood smile. Today’s advanced porcelain veneers are one of the most popular procedures used in cosmetic dentistry in Toronto and around the world. In fact, at one time they were called Hollywood Chiclets because they can do everything from enhance gummy smiles to make a face seem slimmer. The following are just of the benefits of porcelain veneers you didn’t know.

  • Create fuller lips. If you’ve always wanted bigger, more voluptuous lips, you don’t have to get plastic surgery to get them. Porcelain veneers can provide fuller lips by pushing out your natural lips to create a more rounded, full shape.
  • Smooth out lip lines. Who doesn’t want to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth? With porcelain veneers, you can get rid of wrinkles around the mouth without the use of Botox or cosmetic surgery. Porcelain veneers have the power to smooth out lines around the mouth and enhance the appearance of the whole face. The final result of these advanced dental implants in Toronto is thinner, beautiful face.

This is a guest post submitted by Toronto Smile Makeovers, a cosmetic dentist office led by Dr. Andrew Charkiw and Armaghan Afsar. The office offers porcelain veneers, dental implants, and the latest cosmetic dentist procedures.