Top Protein Breakfast Foods

It is essential that you include protein in your daily breakfast. Protein helps your body work at its optimum ability and allows you to be able to carry out functions throughout the day. Protein is essential to have and is very important for our muscles and also body. There are some foods that you can eat for breakfast that contain a large amount of protein.


Bacon and also turkey are great sources of protein in the morning; sausage patties are another source of breakfast meat protein. You can also consider eating other breakfast meats as well; they are normally packed with protein. These meats should be eaten with portion control.


Nuts are a great source of protein and you can even get it from peanut butter. You could easily spread a serving of peanut butter on a piece of whole wheat bread and gain a lot of protein from it. Peanut butter and nuts should be eaten in portion control as well as they can be high in fats.


Eggs are packed full of protein and are a great breakfast dish. You can easily whip up some eggs for breakfast with little effort and also little time. You can eat your eggs scrambled, on toast, in an omelet, or any other way that you prefer which makes them more appealing.


Dairy is a great source of protein as well for breakfast. Eating a yogurt or some cheese will help you get your needed protein. Even a glass of milk has protein in it.


Make sure that you are receiving adequate amounts of protein in your breakfast foods. It is important to get as much as you can to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Protein will help your body stay nourished and keep you full during the day.

Guest post provided by Kahthan Deane of Paleo Forever. Visit the site for more information on the Paleo diet like easy Paleo Breakfast ideas.