Dr. Sid Solomon Explains Treatment for Periodontal Disease

Article Written by Dr. Sid Solomon

There are many surgical and nonsurgical treatments the dentist or periodontist may choose to perform, depending upon the exact condition of the teeth, gums, and jawbone. A complete periodontal exam of the mouth should be done before any treatment is performed or recommended.

The two surgical methods for treating the most advanced types of periodontal disease are:

• Pocket elimination surgery, which is also known as flap surgery. This is a surgical treatment which can be performed to reduce the pocket size between the teeth and gums. Surgery on the jawbone is another option which serves to eliminate indentations in the bone which foster the colonization of bacteria.
• Tissue regeneration – When the bone and gum tissues have been destroyed, regrowth can be actively encouraged using grafting procedures. A membrane may be inserted into the affected areas to assist in the regeneration process.

Scaling and Root Planing

The most common non-surgical treatment for periodontal disease is Scaling and Root Planing (commonly referred to as a deep cleaning). In order to preserve the health of the gum tissue, the bacteria and calculus (tartar), which initially caused the infection, must be removed. The gum pockets will be cleaned and treated with antibiotics as necessary to help alleviate the infection and a prescription mouthwash may be incorporated into daily cleaning routines.

The objective of a root planing and scaling is to remove the agents which cause inflammation to the gingival (gum) tissue and surrounding bone. Common
etiologic agents removed by this conventional periodontal therapy include dental plaque and tartar (calculus). These non-surgical procedures completely cleansethe periodontium and work very effectively for individuals suffering from gingivitis (mild gum inflammation) and moderate to severe periodontal disease.

Scaling and root planing treatments are only performed after a thorough examination of the mouth. The dentist will take x-rays, conduct visual examinations, and make a diagnosis before recommending or beginning this procedure.

The scaling is usually performed with special dental instruments and may include an ultrasonic scaling tool. The scaling tool removes calculus and plaque from the surface of the crown and root surfaces. In many cases, the scaling tool includes an irrigation process that can also be used to deliver an antimicrobial agent below the gums that can help reduce oral bacteria.

This root planing procedure is a specific treatment that serves to remove cementum and surface dentin that is embedded with unwanted microorganisms, toxins, and tartar. The root of the tooth is literally smoothed in order to promote good healing. Having clean, smooth root surfaces helps prevent bacteria from easily colonizing in the future.

Following these deep cleaning procedures, the gum pockets may be treated with antibiotics. This will soothe irritation and help the gum tissues to heal quickly. Arrestin is a localized antibiotic which we place directly in the pocket to maximize the healing process.

Dr. Sid Solomon supports several local and national charities. He strongly believes in giving back to the society and lending a helping hand to anyone in any type of need. He works with both dental and general charities to help as many people as he can. He enjoys providing his time and attention to patients who cannot afford dental treatment.