Watch out for symptoms of lupus

There are various signs and symptoms of lupus, most of which may easily be mistaken for other sickness or diseases. One of the most common symptoms is swollen and painful joints similar to arthritis, while often times associated with high fever that’s unexplainable and a tremendous amount of fatigue. Other lupus patients experience chest pains, loss of hair, anemia or a decrease in a person’s number of red blood cells in the body, developing ulcers in the mouth and fingers or toes that easily get pale or turn purple under stress or moderately cold temperatures.

Nevertheless, lupus treatment should begin with reaching out to lupus patients. Oftentimes, they are ashamed of their disease and thus keep from seeking medical attention. This shouldn’t be the case and you can help. You can get involved in the mission to seek prevention, treatment and cure for lupus by taking part in fund raising efforts. All donations received will be forwarded to current lupus research programs in order to give them additional funding. Where efforts lie, enough donations will hopefully be collected in order to continue the fight against the disease.

For those of you who are curious, lupus disease is a type of chronic disease that mostly affects joints and almost all organs of the body. These major organs include the heart, kidney, lungs, brain and skin. The risks of developing the disease are highly dependent on genes, which means its mostly inherited. There is an estimated 1.4 million population of lupus patients in the United States alone, while nine out of ten patients are most likely to be women in their childbearing ages.