What is Diindolylmethane?

DIM, in a nutshell, can be considered to be one of the greatest breakthroughs in medicine off later. Discovered for its unique properties (and extracted from) the Brassica family of vegetables, UC Berkeley scientists have uncovered what can only be adequately described as one of the most versatile compounds ever known to man in molecular biology.

The reason for this is because of the unique properties that it has in regards to cancer (or shall we say, anti-cancer properties) that brings hope to the lives of millions around the world whose live are hanging by a thread, if you will.

But that’s not all: it also works as a cancer prevention diet, and in recent trials has been known to prevent both prostate and breast cancer by almost 40 to 60 percent.

Yet what is so remarkable about this product is that its ability to boost the immune system and strengthen the body’s organs against any type of illness is precisely the reason why scientists consider it to be one of the most versatile compounds ever discovered.

As mentioned earlier, this compound is extracted from the Brassica family which consists of vegetables such as kale, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. Since this a plant extract, you be sure that the production of this compound both for treatments in medicine as well as in the form of supplements will be enough as this family is commonly cultivated.

With such properties, it shouldn’t be surprising why Diindolylmethane is indeed getting so much attention as it is being used in numerous clinical trials for a host of bacterial and viral diseases, and if found to be successful, can effectively change the lives of millions of patients in the near future.