3 Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

woman-smile-green-appleA bright, sparkling smile can make a huge difference to your appearance, so it is no surprise that many people are opting for dental procedures even if they do not have cavities. Cosmetic dentistry focuses on fixing minor issue with teeth so that they look more beautiful. Patients looking for a big boost in confidence should consider these three common forms of cosmetic dentistry.

Teeth Whitening

Tooth whitening is definitely the most popular cosmetic procedure because it is an easy, fast, and affordable way to make a huge difference. Of course there are teeth whitening kits available at drugstores, but a talented Glendora dentist can do a much better job. Professional tooth whitening lightens teeth quicker without risking damage to the sensitive tooth enamel.

Tooth Veneers

Veneers are ideal for people with worn down teeth, extreme tooth staining, or wide gaps between their teeth. Teeth veneers are extremely thin, durable covers that are applied to teeth to fix their shape or shade. If you pick a good office for cosmetic dentistry in Pasadena CA, the dentist can custom match veneer shades and shape them to a patient’s mouth for a natural and appealing look.


Invisalign is a set of clear plastic trays that gradually align teeth to their proper positions. Unlike traditional metal braces, you can get Invisalign from a Covina dental office instead of having to find an orthodontic specialist. After a consultation to develop your treatment plan, your dentist will provide you with custom molded Invisalign aligners that change your teeth over time without looking obvious.

Ecco Dental is a Glendora dentist offering Invisalign, as well as a range of natural and holistic dentistry.

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