TMJ Symptoms

The temporomandibular joint, located in the jawline, is the source of a great deal of discomfort for many people. TMD, the disorder that affects this joint, can cause tension in the jaw line and contribute to pain in the form of headaches or jaw locking. TMD is not a serious condition, but it can cause a lifetime of discomfort without treatment. Here, we look at some of TMD/TMJs symptoms so you can be sure of whether this disorder affects you.

Common Symptoms

The most common symptoms of TMJ involve pain in the face, usually near the cheeks or the upper jawline (around the ears). You may also feel tightness or tension in your neck, or feel some popping as you chew.

You may also notice that your jawline locks or pops if you attempt to open your mouth wide. If your jaw locks, it will tend to lock in the closed or near closed position, but closing your mouth may be very painful. Especially if you need to chew or bite into something that is larger than your mouth.

Your face may also feel fatigued or tired. This may coincide with clicking or popping, or it may affect you intermittently. During such periods, and throughout suffering from TMD, you will often experience painful chewing. Your jaw might hurt and it may feel hard to completely bite into something.

Finally, the side of your face may also swell.

All of this may be related to other problems, like tooth aches or headaches, which are all related to the disorder. Treatment can help, especially if you focus on the joints and muscle tissue affected by the disorder.

Article submitted by Dr. Sid Solomon. Dr. Sid Solomon is a licensed TMJ specialist with a caring staff and 30 years of experience. Schedule your consultation today at his Los Angeles, California office.

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